China National Heavy Duty Truck Group Jinan Truck Co., Ltd. Announcement of Production and Sales in the First Quarter of 2014



China National Heavy Duty Truck Group Jinan Truck Co., Ltd. Announcement of Production and Sales in the First Quarter of 2014

China National Heavy Machinery Group Jinan Truck Co., Ltd.
    The first quarter of 2014 report text
    Stock code: 000951 Stock abbreviation: China National Heavy Duty Truck Announcement No.: 2014-13
    China National Heavy Machinery Group Jinan Truck Co., Ltd.
    The first quarter of 2014 report text
    Section 1 Important Tips
    The company's board of directors, board of supervisors, directors, supervisors, and senior management personnel guarantee the true content of the quarterly report.
    Real, accurate and complete, there are no false records, misleading statements or major omissions, and bear individual and
    Joint legal responsibility.
    All directors have attended the board meeting to review this quarterly report.
    The head of the company is Yu Youde, the head of the accounting work, Wang Difei, and the head of the accounting department (accounting principal)
    Manager: Wang Difei Statement: To ensure the truthfulness, accuracy and completeness of the financial statements in the quarterly report.
    China National Heavy Machinery Group Jinan Truck Co., Ltd.
    The first quarter of 2014 report text
    Section 2 Major Financial Data and Shareholder Changes
    I. Major accounting data and financial indicators
    Does the company retroactively adjust or restate previous year's accounting data due to changes in accounting policies and correction of accounting errors?
    □ Yes √ No
    This report period increased or decreased compared with the same period of the previous year
    The reporting period
    Operating income (yuan) 5,374,386,497.87 4,005,242,504.62 34.18%
    Net profit attributable to shareholders of listed companies (yuan) 92,628,314.20 18,779,156.23 393.25%
    Deduction of non-recurring losses attributable to shareholders of listed companies
    90,627,384.98 12,647,124.77 616.58%
    Net profit of benefits (yuan)
    Net cash flow from operating activities (yuan) 161,893,517.09 -20,209,257.30 901.09%
    Basic earnings per share (yuan/share) 0.22 0.04 450%
    Diluted earnings per share (yuan/share) 0.22 0.04 450%
    Weighted average return on equity (%) 2.24% 0.5% 1.74%
    At the end of the reporting period, it increased from the end of the previous year.
    At the end of the reporting period
    Total assets (yuan) 16,540,478,576.39 15,748,595,766.18 5.03%
    Net assets attributable to shareholders of listed companies (yuan) 4,179,805,766.25 4,087,177,452.05 2.27%
    Non-recurring profit and loss items and amounts
    √ Applicable □ Not applicable
    unit: yuan
    Project Year-end to the end of the reporting period
    Gains and losses on disposal of non-current assets (including the write-off portion of provision for impairment of assets) 48.48
    Government subsidies included in the current profit and loss (closely related to the business of the enterprise, in accordance with the national system
    Except for government subsidies for a standard quota or quantitative basis)
    Other non-operating income and expenses other than the above 2,556,319.95
    Less: Income tax impact 985,487.92
    Minority shareholders' equity impact (after tax) 954,534.54
    Total 2,000,929.22 --
    Non-recurring gains and losses items defined by the company in accordance with the definition of “Interpretive Announcement of Corporate Information Disclosure of Public Offering Securities – Non-recurring gains and losses”, and
    Non-recurring gains and losses items listed in Interpretive Announcement No. 1 of the Development Bank Securities, Non-recurring Gains and Losses, are defined as items of recurring profit and loss.
    Explain the reason
    □ Applicable √ Not applicable
    China National Heavy Machinery Group Jinan Truck Co., Ltd.
    The first quarter of 2014 report text
    2. The total number of shareholders at the end of the reporting period and the shareholdings of the top ten shareholders
    Unit: Stock
    Total number of shareholders at the end of the reporting period 37,848
    Top 10 shareholders' shareholdings
    Holding a restricted sale condition, pledge or freeze
    Name of shareholder Nature of shareholder Shareholding ratio (%) Number of shares held
    Number of shares
    China National Heavy Duty Truck (Hong Kong) has
    Foreign legal person 63.78% 267,492,579 0
    Limited company
    Cinda Securities Limited
    Non-state-owned legal person in the country 1.03% 4,338,514 0
    the company
    Industrial and Commercial Bank of China - Rich
    Guohushen 300 Enhanced Certificate Domestic non-state legal person 0.46% 1,922,650 0
    Voucher investment fund
    Foreign legal person 0.39% 1,616,215 0
    China Construction Bank - Bo
    Shiyu Fuhushen 300 refers to non-state-owned legal persons in China 0.27% 1,131,348 0
    Securities investment fund
    China's foreign economic trade
    Trust Co., Ltd. - outside
    Trade Trust Suzaku Pretty A Non-state-owned legal person in China 0.24% 1,011,309 0
    Alpha Collective Fund Trust
    Wu Mei Natural person in the territory 0.21% 891,003 0
    Ren Chafeng, a natural person in the territory 0.18% 759,705 0
    Chen Dingyi Natural person in the territory 0.16% 670,060 0
    CITIC Trust Limited Liability
    Umbrella Structure No. 1 Non-state-owned legal person in China 0.14% 581,361 0
    Securities investment pool
    Trust plan
    Top 10 unrestricted shareholders holding shares
    Type of shares
    Name of the shareholder
    Type of shares
    China National Heavy Duty Truck (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd. 267,492,579 RMB common stock 267,492,579
    China National Heavy Machinery Group Jinan Truck Co., Ltd.
    The first quarter of 2014 report text
    Cinda Securities Co., Ltd. 4,338,514 RMB ordinary shares 4,338,514
    Industrial and Commercial Bank of China - Fuguo Hushen 300 Enhanced Certificate
    1,922,650 RMB common stock 1,922,650
    Voucher investment fund
    1,616,215 RMB common stock 1,616,215
    China Construction Bank - Bo Shi Yu Fu Shanghai and Shenzhen 300
    1,131,348 RMB ordinary shares 1,131,348
    Securities investment fund
    China Foreign Economic and Trade Trust Co., Ltd. -
    Foreign Trade Trust Suzaku Pretty Alpha Collection Fund 1,011,309 RMB Common Stock 1,011,309
    Trust plan
    Wu Mei 891,003 RMB common stock 891,003
    Ren Fengfeng 759,705 RMB common stock 759,705
    Chen Dingyi 670,060 RMB common stock 670,060
    CITIC Trust Co., Ltd. - CITIC.
    Xingye No. 1 Umbrella Structured Securities Investment Collection 581,361 RMB Common Stock 581,361
    Gold trust plan
    1. Among the top ten shareholders, China National Heavy Duty Truck (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd. does not have any relationship with other shareholders.
    The above-mentioned shareholder relationship or concerted action is not a concerted action as stipulated in the Measures for the Administration of the Acquisition of Listed Companies;
    Ming 2. The company is not aware of the relationship between the other shareholders mentioned above or the “Measures for Disclosure of Information on Shareholding of Listed Companies”
    The person acting in concert as specified in .
    The top ten shareholders participate in the margin financing and securities lending business shareholder
    Natural person shareholder Wu Mei holds 891,003 shares of the company through the securities company's customer credit guarantee securities account.
    Description of the situation (if any)
    Whether the company's shareholders have agreed to buy back the transaction during the reporting period
    □ Yes √ No
    China National Heavy Machinery Group Jinan Truck Co., Ltd.
    The first quarter of 2014 report text
    Section III Important matters
    I. Major changes in major accounting statements and financial indicators during the reporting period and the reasons
    1. Prepayments increased by 127.99% compared with the beginning of the year, mainly due to the increase in production of the Company and the increase in purchased goods.
    2. Interest receivable increased by 127.3% compared with the beginning of the year, mainly due to the increase in the company's monetary funds.
    3. Inventories increased by 30.45% compared with the beginning of the year, mainly due to the Company's stocking for the peak season.
    4. Taxes payable decreased by 270.17% compared with the beginning of the year, mainly due to the increase in inventories of the Company, resulting in an increase in the value-added tax to be deducted.
    5. Interest payable decreased by 54.82% compared with the beginning of the year, mainly due to the decrease in the scale of the Company's loans.
    6. Operating income increased by 34.18% year-on-year, mainly due to the increase in sales volume of the Company during the reporting period.
    7. Operating costs increased by 33.12% year-on-year, mainly due to the increase in sales volume of the Company during the reporting period.
    8. Business tax and surcharges increased by 140.55% year-on-year, mainly due to the year-on-year increase in urban construction tax and education surcharge realized by the Company during the reporting period.
    9. Financial expenses decreased by 30.57% year-on-year, mainly due to the Company's optimization of loan structure and the decrease in loan costs.
    10. Asset impairment losses decreased by 100% year-on-year, mainly due to the provision for asset impairment losses during the same period last year.
    11. Non-operating income decreased by 68.35% year-on-year, which was mainly due to the decrease in government subsidies transferred from deferred income during the reporting period.
    12. Non-operating expenses increased by 561.83% year-on-year, mainly due to the year-on-year increase in water conservancy construction funds realized during the reporting period.
    13. Income tax expenses increased by 2493.33% year-on-year, mainly due to the increase in profit before tax during the reporting period.
    2. Analysis of the progress of important matters and their impacts and solutions
    During the reporting period, the company did not occur or will occur, or important events that occurred in the previous period but continued into the reporting period.
    Summary of Important Events Date of Disclosure Interim Report Disclosure Website Query Index
    III. Commitments of the company or shareholders holding more than 5% of the shares during the reporting period or in the previous period but continuing to the reporting period
    Commitment Commitment Party Commitment Content Commitment Time Commitment Term Performance
    Commitment to share reform No No No No
    Taken in the acquisition report or the equity change report
    No No No No
    Commitment made during asset restructuring None No No No
    Commitment made during initial public offering or refinancing None No No No
    Other commitments to the company's minority shareholders None No No No
    Whether the promise is fulfilled in time
    Specific reasons for unfinished performance and next steps
    (if any)
    China National Heavy Machinery Group Jinan Truck Co., Ltd.
    The first quarter of 2014 report text
    4. Estimation of operating results for January-June 2014
    Predicting the warning that the accumulated net profit from the beginning of the year to the end of the next reporting period may be a loss or a significant change from the same period of the previous year
    □ Applicable √ Not applicable
    V. Securities investment
    Initial investment Initial holdings Initial holdings At the end of the period, holdings at the end of the period, holding the stock at the end of the period, ending the book, reporting the loss of the period, accounting
    Securities Variety Securities Code Securities Short Name Stock Source
    Cost (yuan) quantity (shares) ratio (%) quantity (shares) ratio (%) value (yuan) benefit (yuan) subject
    Other securities investments held at the end of the period 0.00 0 -- 0 -- 0.00 0.00 -- --
    Total 0.00 0 -- 0 -- 0.00 0.00 -- --
    Securities Investment Approval Board Announcement Disclosure
    Securities Investment Approval Shareholders' Meeting Announcement
    Date (if any)
    Description of holding equity of other listed companies
    □ Applicable √ Not applicable
    6. Derivative investment
    Unit: 10,000 yuan
    Final investment
    Derivatives, derivatives, investment, depreciation, amount
    Whether it is related to the initial investment of derivatives, investment at the end of the period
    Operators Related Relationships Initial Investment Start Date End Date Preparation Amount Report Period Interim Loss and Loss
    Transaction type amount amount amount
    Name Fund amount (if any) End net assets
    Total 0 -- -- 0 0 0 0% 0
    Source of Derivative Investment Funding
    The circumstances of the case (if applicable) Not applicable
    Derivative Investment Approval Board Announcement Disclosure Date
    (if any)
    Derivative Investment Approval Shareholders' Announcement Disclosure Date
    (if any)
    Risk analysis and control measures for derivatives positions during the reporting period
    Description (including but not limited to market risk, flow
    Sexual risk, credit risk, operational risk, legal style
    Insurance, etc.)
    Invested in derivatives market prices or products during the reporting period
    Fair value changes, fair to derivatives


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