"Culture" bridge box




In the bridge box company, there is a landscape river running through the north and the south, and many employees are more willing to call it "Lean River." Strolling along the river, the fish is happy, the waterfowl such as the red duck are free to play, and occasionally, three or two fish will follow the footsteps of the pedestrians.

“The bridge box, no matter where it goes, can always be influenced by a kind of 'cultural taste'. It is a culture to take the first shot.” ​​The people who visited the place commented.

“The bridge box is like a garden, and it is beautiful, and there is a sense of happiness and pride in working here.” The employees felt so.

Grounding gas, gathering popularity, inspirational

In the long-term practice, the bridge company has a relatively deep cultural heritage, but while inheriting the corporate culture of the group company, it failed to reflect and express the culture with the characteristics of the bridge box in a necessary form, to a certain extent. It has affected the cohesion and constraints of corporate culture.

"To refine the spirit of the bridge box, and create an atmosphere of 'dare to take responsibility, be brave in innovation, high quality and efficient to do everything', strengthen the leading role of culture and the cultivation of core values ​​of the enterprise." Zou Zhonghou, Chairman and Party Secretary of Bridge Box Company This is required.

In order to summarize the values ​​that highlight the characteristics of the bridge box and identify with the employees, and activate the “dynamic gene” of development, Bridge Box Company strives to create a “corporate culture street” by integrating resources and innovative ways, and strives to achieve a new breakthrough in corporate culture construction. And collect the collection of values ​​and behavioral concepts among all employees.

The employees are based on the actual situation, actively participate in, and summed up from the fresh practice, refining and creating from their own feelings, and some employees contribute 2-4 articles.

"Working by sweat, not relying on shouting; quality is doing, not checking", "quality is loose, labor is not work; quality is improved, efficiency is doubled", "quality is this, conscience is built; integrity is the most important, use with confidence", "Strict and fast, good deeds and good performance" ... Through the collection, the Party and the Ministry of Work received a total of 800 words of aphorisms that are catchy and easy to understand. Among them, the 135 incorruptible cultural concepts received were created by the deputy directors and above.

After the establishment of the review team participated by the relevant leaders of the company, after four rounds of consolidation, the 100 articles that are easy to understand and conducive to dissemination were extracted, and then the best choices were made by the bridge box company. The corporate culture concept of the company is sprayed and hanged on the pole of the company's No.1 road.

"Do not love red makeup, love tooling, no more than beautiful than quality", embodies the practice of Liu Hui, the builder of the main reducer department, and explains the most sincere and simple pursuit of the female employees of the bridge box company. “When other girls talk about fashionable clothes and cosmetics, we are discussing how to improve and improve the tooling. What we think is whether the quality of the product can be further improved.”

It is based on such a kind of love and passion. In the long-term practice, Bridge Box Company's unique quality culture and culture improvement are like the genes of China National Heavy Duty Truck's corporate culture, flowing in the blood of employees.

At present, the “Corporate Culture Street” is newly unveiled at the Bridge Box Company, and the concept motto as one of the contents is particularly eye-catching.

"From the staff, the grounding gas, gathering popularity, inspiration, 32 points of praise", "original, concrete and vivid, the image can be sensed, we are willing to see the record" ... employees reflect this.

"Famous" on the screen, "tangible" on the display board, "talking" on the network

As soon as you walk into the bridge company, you will be infected and infiltrated by a culture.

The two screens deliver positive energy. Not long ago, on the overpass bridge at the main reducer plant and the drive axle plant, the two electronic display screens were in a looping mode, rolling “the staff of the bridge shell processing department Li Zhencai did not pick up the money (to 4,300 yuan in cash), the spirit is good. ", caused a lot of praise from employees. "When my name was repeatedly displayed on the display screen, there was an unspeakable sense of pride in my heart. I was happy to take photos with my mobile phone." Li Zhen was excited. The employees said: "Looking at the familiar names one by one on the screen, I feel very special, especially exciting!"

"Insist on people-oriented, honest China Heavy Duty Truck", "provide customers with zero defects, products that exceed expectations, and build the first brand of China's heavy-duty axles"... The outline of the rolling covers the concept of the group company, the dynamics of the bridge company, the good people around, etc. On the one hand, "to enable our front-line employees to understand the company's major events in a timely manner, to know the good things and new things happening in other production departments," to establish communication channels with front-line employees, and to pass honors or goals and tasks to employees. On the other hand, it can promote more advanced people such as “good people around us”, embody “rewarding and applauding good people, responding to good deeds with applause”, and create a strong atmosphere of learning, advocating and striving for good people.

Nineteen panels are used to build platforms. Adhering to the "adhere to the advanced corporate culture to lead enterprise management", Bridge Box Company strives to build a model culture by establishing a large-scale propaganda position, establish a model brand, and release the first-mover effect. Among the nineteen panels, ten of them focus on key work, honorary awards, activity dynamics, and moral construction. The other nine focus on typical figures and pioneering deeds of the party, government, industry, and regiments. Key units such as advanced units will be introduced. For example, the exhibition board with the theme of “Practicing Civilization Communication and Promoting Moral Construction” vividly shows the style of the bridge staff, especially the Huqiao staff of the former bridge staff who has been interviewed and reported by Qilu TV Station for seven times. The exhibition panel with the theme of “Quality of Staff and Establishment of Bridge Box Image” focuses on the vivid excerpts of Wang Yongxue, Lu Guanglei, Chen Yiguo and the innovative studio-Ma Yingxin team, which have won the city-level skills competition.

A network "storytelling". Through the special website of “Strive for Civilization and Heavy Duty”, the company carried out key propaganda reports on employees who advocated morality, dedication and dedication, and civilized work, and strived to make core values ​​deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Quality, good people, is a common practice.

“The role models around us are more powerful and persuasive. They bring us full of positive energy.” Today, the “model element” is becoming the driving force behind the development of bridge companies.

Lean bridge box, "culture" bridge box, harmonious bridge box

In order to "build the culture of improving the characteristics of the bridge box", Bridge Box Company adheres to the "full participation" and "all staff improvement", and the frontline employees as the main body of improvement activities, and comprehensively create a culture of "improvement, innovation and development". Atmosphere -

An improvement star followed by an improved star class, an improved star class and then an improved star... a piece of beautifully crafted star list, spurred the enthusiasm of employees to "seek lean, strive for first class";

Low-value consumption list, 5S rectification result table, improvement proposal statistics table... Each team group has a strong cultural atmosphere;

The quality competition matrix of the team marked with red and yellow colors, the employee quality reward and punishment notice column of the month, the pre-class meeting will tell the preface, the first order, the realization of the order of the “presentation”... The continuous quality culture enables the employees Internalize the quality of improvement into its own responsibility.

From the bridge box culture to the "cultural" bridge box, it shows that the bridge box company "people" in the text, "people" in the text. At the same time, Bridge Box Company relies on China National Heavy Duty Truck Bridge Training Base, Lean Management College and on-site training workstations to continuously carry out all-staff training; with interest groups, QC teams, improvement proposals, and improvement of small teams, etc. Focus on creating an innovative talent team; strive to be a self-made (spontaneous, self-conscious, self-governing) employee, improve the star list, and create a star-class team as a carrier, and lay a green channel for employees to become talents, and achieve the growth and common development of employees and enterprises. .

The "culture" bridge box has doubled its strength. Just as the former bridge department sang the singer's military song "One Two Three Three, One Two Three Four, like a song, China National Heavy Duty Truck, China National Heavy Duty Truck taught me...", the employees are fighting high spirits and striving for excellence. "Star", and issued a "comparison with the 'Samsung' than to be a good new star of the 'three-star team' staff. According to statistics, since the implementation of the “Second Entrepreneurship”, the company’s employees have proposed and completed more than 15,000 improvement proposals, and the Group’s advanced operation methods, named after the individual names of the employees, have been awarded the “Provincial Enterprise Management Innovation II”. "Equal Award", "Innovation and Practice of Lean Management of Mechanical Manufacturing Enterprises" won the special award for Jinan City Enterprise Management Modernization Innovation Achievements.

"Cultural people" are silent, "people-oriented" to promote harmony. At the same time of scientific development, Bridge Box Company actively practices its social responsibilities. Adhering to the principle of “using quality products to create quality products and contributing to society with quality products”, Bridge Box Company regularly conducts user satisfaction surveys, and develops circular economy as a strategic support point for transfer development and an important way to build resource-saving and environment-friendly enterprises. And effectively strengthen the treatment of three wastes. Through the implementation of 23 clean production programs, the annual water saving is 500t, the power saving is 17,200 kWh, the reduction of solid waste is 144.35 tons, the waste oil is reduced by 6.15 tons, and the COD emission is reduced by 0.43 tons.

Nowadays, a bridge, which is civilized, healthy, harmonious and has a strong vitality, is showing its new atmosphere and new image from “scale and speed” to “quality and efficiency” with its growing culture and self-confidence.


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